What's the worst thing that could happen in a twin household?
- Internet going down, thus cutting me off from the outside world? Nope, I'm still connected.
- Running out of baby food? Not in our 24/7 shopping universe.
- Snow going unshoveled leading our postal worker to miss our house several days in a row and then leaving me a nasty note? Not really a problem - what, I'm supposed to be sad that my pizza flyer and bank statement got delayed? Please.
- Washing machine breaking? Yup, that's our crisis du jour.
We had a washing machine induced flood at the beginning of the week. Then, due to my unflagging and irrational belief that technical problems will just go away, we had a second, more biblical flood a couple of days later. And the laundry pile grows higher.
Who knows how many loads of laundry get done per week around here, but it's a lot. Orders of magnitude more than when I was in undergrad and did a few loads per semester at mom's house. Is that why we all wore Drakkar in university - to cover the delicate odour of underwashed clothing?
So I trekked down to Barrie this morning and bought us a new washing machine. Delivery next Friday. Crisis averted. We're off to Parry Sound for a weekend of cottage life. And I'm bringing lots of dirty laundry.