We had a great visit this weekend with Seb & Sophie (and their parents), but I neglected to take any photos. The big melt is on (most of our birdbath has reappeared) so I can actually imagine a time when we'll be able to go to a park, picnic, ice cream, etc. I'm ready. Molly was up most of last night - not sure if it's more teeth, tummy, or what. We were doing really well on sleep until the past few nights. For Earth Hour the other night, we turned off all the lights at 8pm, failed to stay awake beyond 9pm and slept right through until 6am. Definitely a record for the past 9 months.
- Twins doing the hula hoop.

- Molly sporting a communist / old-school motorcyle helmet look

- Molly about to devour her ball

- Jacob loving the soccer ball