Here are a few highlights of the trip thus far:
- Bulkhead seats on the flight over and each of us had an extra seat which made a huge difference. The kids took about 30 minutes to fall asleep but then slept soundly until the breakfast service began with an hour left in the flight. Could not have been easier.
- Lindsey and Serge live next to a church and cemetery so there has been lots of walking there. The kids like to touch each gravestone, wave, and say "Bye bye". Sure to freak out some of the parishioners before long.
- We went into London on Sunday. The kids walked all around Covent Market and then right through the Tate Modern. We managed to escape without damaging any of the expensive paintings. Molly didn't enjoy the subway but otherwise the kids were unfazed by the big city.
- Yesterday was St. Alban's, where we walked around the pretty old town, through the park and ended up at a family-friendly pub.
- Today we spent the afternoon in Windsor, checking out the castle, and Eton, where Jacob and Molly took in their first rugby practice.
- Tomorrow we head to Heather and Neil's in Oxford.
- Video of Jules, Molly and Jacob playing in Serge's box "house" - getting along like they're all best buddies
- On a canal walk, earning our pub lunch
- At the pub - how much does Molly love her Mama?
- And how much does Jacob love profiteroles
- Kate and Molly in the park at St Alban's
- The 3 kids at the Tate Modern
- Molly about to kiss/eat Jules
- Crossing the Thames from Windsor to Eton