I'll write about my trip with Greg to the Masters when I can do it some justice (and when I've copied Greg's photos). Suffice to say it was spectacular.
The big sporting news in our household has been our 10K rivalry. I shocked the world (or at least shook the foundations of my marriage) a few weeks ago by not only PB'ing at the Yonge Street 10K, but also beating Kate's best time. Understandably, she immediately signed up for the Sporting Life race, which is on the same, fast, seriously downhill course. She easily reclaimed the family honours with a 41:35 (9th out of 1300 women in her age group!!). Next year we'll have to go head to head in a battle royale. In the meantime, we have the Ottawa marathon in a couple of weeks. I hope to finish before Kate has returned to the hotel, showered, and eaten lunch.
April included a trip up the CN Tower with the Toronto cousins. Remarkably, my first time ever up the Tower. As you can see, we had a gorgeous day for it.
Can you believe that this girl hates her curls! She is extremely proud, though, that at almost 5 years old she finally has enough hair for pig-tails (or pink-tails, as they're referred to in this household).
Our other big news from April was that our old house finally sold. That freed up a little cash for some colourful home improvements. Hence the new dishes...
... new paint job on the screen door and shutters...

... and new fridge, complete with ice and water dispenser

... and the best kind of home reno are the free ones. Kate (with a little assistance from a hard-working Jacob) built a dry stone wall, using boulders and rocks from along the shoreline.
I'll report more once we return from Thunder Bay in a week. Think warm and bug-free thoughts for us!!