So, I went to the supermarket last night to pick up a head of cabbage. Apparently frozen cabbage leaves are good for placing on nursing breasts (oh the things I'm learning). I marched confidently to the produce aisle. First dilemma, red or white cabbage? I decided the red might stain (possibly getting confused with beets), so went with white. Second dilemma, organic? Would organic cabbage leaves be better for Kate? Toxins, environmental responsibility, the extra 49 cents, the possibility of Kate ridiculing me for taking so much time waffling on this decision? I went with non-organic but it had me tossing and turning all night.
Day 3 (Friday) was a big day for our little family. Molly and Jacob moved from their incubators into cribs. They're still in the special care nursery but are gradually getting de-wired. They're taking turns being good breast-feeders. And, Kate came home from the hospital last night. So our new routine is to head into the hospital every 3 hours for feeding time, which takes about an hour. Then naps, food and other stuff in between. Good thing we live a block from the hospital!
Here are the kids in their cribs. Our tiny hats are too big for their little heads and of course, the hospital has the boy in blue and the girl in pink (but that can be the subject of a future blog post).