Great day with the kids today. We're in a routine of feeding every 3 hours, with Kate starting one of them on a breastfeed, and then they both get tube-fed. Jacob is taking to the breast like a natural, so when Kate's milk starts to flow he should be off to the races. Molly is a little more reluctant, but is getting more from her tube-feeds. As normal, they've both lost a little weight since the birth, but no problems. Molly was x-rayed today to get a good look at her feet and hands. She flies into a good little rage whenever the nurses poke, prod or discomfort her. Good to see the Rheault genes kicking in with her rejection of authority figures.
Molly and Jacob got to be held and fed by other family members today for the first time, and they got turns with Alison (their aunt and our old friend), Lois and Brent (Kate's parents), and Ben (Kate's brother). Plus Julia, who helped deliver them (and is Kate's medical partner in crime). My folks arrive on Sunday too, so the kids are definitely not lacking for enthusiastic cuddlers.
1 comment:
congrats to the hazel clan! hoping that all is well with everyone and sleep not being a stranger. oh yeah, and of course, go leafs go (can't let the kids get brainwashed into liking bleu, blanc et rouge)
take care from Mike, Heather and Theah Porritt
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