After a fairly sleepless Monday night, I barely limped through Tuesday, was still quite groggy for my fantasy football draft (yes, I have nerdy hobbies too), and then we tried to put the kids down for the night. We favour bottle-feeding for the night feeds as it tends to be calmer and easier to put them down afterwards. So, I took my full bottle and flipped it upside down to head towards Jacob's mouth. Only, I'd failed to tighten the lid, so the entire contents poured out on his head, clothing and bed. Now he was squawking and I had nothing to feed him. Fortunately, Molly shared hers until we could get some more warmed up, but it was general bedlam. And precious, pumped milk had gone to waste.
Here are two photos of Jacob and me, in more peaceful times, watching the US Open on tv.

Today has been significantly calmer, as we all slept well last night (despite the histrionics described above). The kids had their two-month shots at the doctor and after a few outraged wails, both settled right down for peaceful naps in the stroller. Jacob is now 50th percentile for length and head circumference, and just a smidge below 50th for weight. Molly is above the 10th for weight and length and 25th for head. Considering that last month he was 10-25th and she was 3rd percentile, they're both growing very well. As can be discerned by Jacob's increasingly chubby cheeks, as pictured above.
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