Here's what Judd Apatow said about one of his favourite movies, along the same lines:
"I can never get enough of Terms of Endearment. I find myself watching it over and over again. It does everything that I want a movie to do. I fall in love with the characters. I care about their journeys. It never does anything easy to make me like the characters. It doesn't sell out the characters for likeability. They all do things that are awful to each other. The relationships are very complicated. Yet, you root for all of them when you watch the movie."
Speaking of Judd Apatow, my recent beard was getting so bad that I finally had to shave it off on Saturday. I was looking a lot like Seth Rogen, except with a much sadder, patchier beard. And I'm not funny enough to look like a worse version of Seth Rogen.

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