- For the 1st time since the twins were born we had to call a plumber to deal with a foreign object in the toilet. Only, it was one of the adults who had flushed a pen down the toilet. So, it will be hard to get too mad at the kids when they do it too.
- Kids both have their first colds of the fall - noses running like faucets but that's not slowing them down
- They moved into their "big kid beds" about a week ago and so far so good. We no longer have to lie down with them to put them to sleep, so it's a much easier job for one person.
- Quite sad about Paul Newman. A couple of great movies (The Hustler and The Sting). Plus, Slapshot, which in our family mythology, is credited with being the reason my parents decided to move us to Canada.
- The Bank Job is a good rental. Fairly typical heist movie, but quite well done and extra interesting as it is supposedly quite close to the real story of a bank robbery covered up by the highest levels of British government in order to protect the Queen's sister from a sexual scandal.
- Definitely Maybe is horrendous. Not a single word of dialogue rings true. The main dude acts like a jerk towards his supposed love interest for the duration of the movie and then commits an absolutely unforgivable act, for which he is forgiven and then everyone lives happily ever after. Totally lame. And Scarlett Johannson married Ryan Reynolds this week - seriously, she couldn't do better than this white bread doofus?
Fall Photos
- Jacob rocking in the garden

- Soccer definitely better with a ball each

- In their new raincoats, ready for England

- My first pony - Jacob gets excited about riding the "bucking" horse
They're gonna need those jackets. And wellies too. They're announcing nasty weather for end of October (sorry, but true). Here's hoping you guys bring the sun!
that video is bucking hilarious
I heard "*ing" too on first take and I was with the kids... Soph was envious of the twins' pony and so climbed on my back and begged for a ride.
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