- Last Wednesday was the low point of our trip. A 45 minute drive to Oxford went to hell when we ran dead-stop into a traffic jam. The wonderful English traffic authorities routed the 6-lane highway through a few country lanes. After 4 hours we had moved about 10 miles, and had no idea how long it would take to go the remaining 20. We tried to find a hotel in Wycombe, but apparently they haven't heard of hotels there. So, we returned to Lindsey and Serge's with our tails between our legs, and two very tired, sick, grouchy twins.
- The following day we made it to Oxford in less than an hour, no problem and we had a fabulous visit with my old CEGEP friend Heather and her family, including lots of walking around the town, a tour of Merton college, a visit to the natural history museum and a couple of drives out into the country.
- The flight home was a dream as the kids slept the whole way. One guy on the plane said, "I'd always thought that twins were hard, but after this flight it looks like they're pretty easy". On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that neither family we visited in England will be rushing to expand their family size as the kids were a little short on sleep and therefore not quite at their best. But, a great trip regardless.
Here are some more photos from our trip.
- Jacob at Eton, watching rugby for the 1st time

- The 3 of us watching together

- The bridge to Windsor - Jacob's perma-grin

- In front of Serge's "house"

- Proof of the snow in England - the view from Lindsey's front door

- Kate and Molly in front of Lindsey's house

- Horse getting a little frisky

- Horse getting a lot frisky

- Horse chasing Lindsey and Jules

- Lindsey and Jules

- Molly and Jacob with their new bud, Julia

- Heather, Kate and I with all 3 kids

1 comment:
I miss you guys! Come back!
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