Sunday, September 27, 2009

Married to a Speed Demon

Kate and I ran the half marathon down in Toronto this morning. She's a little disappointed in her time, but came 61st out of over 4500 women in the race (and 12th out of 807 in her age group)!! I was about 10 minutes behind her, but knocked 8 minutes off my previous best time, so am very happy. And now very stiff and sore.

Where were the twins? At home with my dad, who took over the reins yesterday evening (while we went down to a T.O. hotel for the night) and kept sole custody until this afternoon. Everything went so well at home that I'm going to lose all credibility trying to claim that I have a tough job staying at home with the kids.


just us said...

until the 3rd one arrives and throws all the balls into the air again!

Congrats on your times. Good thing it wasn't today with all the rainand wind we have.

Unknown said...

Think I crossed the line ahead of your but you beat me by 2 seconds on the chip time. Well done.