Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm the Gitch Eddybuddy

The twins experienced their first movie this week. The Grinch. Now every day is filled with make-believe play with Jacob, Molly and Zoe cast as the Gitch, Cindy-Lou Who and Max the Dog/Reindeer. What's as "eddybuddy" - why "everybody" of course. As in, "Come on eddybuddy, come play with me" or "eddybuddy, let's make a train" or "look out eddybuddy, I'm a scary monster". Jacob does not lack for enthusiasm. And I love that our family is big enough, that he needs a word like eddybuddy to rally the troops behind his latest scheme.

Zoë had her doctor check-up this week. She put on about 2 1/2 lbs in the first 5 weeks with us, and in the process has gone from being seriously off the growth charts, to now being around the 10th percentile. Several people came up to me this week and said, "she seems so big for ten months", which I can only surmise is due to the enormity of her fantastic cheeks.

Eddybuddy in the family seems to have the sniffles and Zoë has a funny tummy so we're still all a bit sleep-challenged, but daytime is mostly filled with toboggans, shoveling, books, puzzles, hilarity and hijinks. I wouldn't trade a minute of it.

Last night Jacob woke up around 10pm with a sore throat and quite beside himself. So I brought him down to the couch for half an hour or so of Habs hockey. When I brought him back to bed, he snuggled in with his stuffed animal and said, "Dog, I watched hockey with baba". That's the good stuff.

Some photos and a Zoë video
- practising on skates again

- Zoë starting to work on standing

- snacktime by the fireplace

- A little video footage of Zoë working on her standing


just us said...

In Jacob's family, it's "eddybuddy",
in Sophie's it's "you guys".

BTW, did you know that you were moving to the Ontario snowbelt? Every weather report seems to foretell of dumps of snow in Orillia...

Anonymous said...

Hello Chris and Kate,

Loved Molly's reading-Zoe seemed ready to read too.
raj and sarah