- Erin and the little twins dressed up as firefighters

- the little twins came home from nursery school yesterday to find that the big cousins had built them a big picnic tent

- we went tobogganing yesterday on the big hill. Lots of fun for an hour until a sled "train" derailed, causing a fair amount of road rash.
Note that Jacob, for the first time in his life, escaped unscathed

- Molly looks like she just won a scrap with Bobby Clarke. Ya gotta love that old time hockey. Can you believe that this same girl, an hour later at playball, announced loudly as she approached a purple square on the floor, "look, it matches my shoes!!". I'm not sure Hayley Wickenheiser or Clara Hughes ever cared about their shoe fashion - ah well.

- and Zoë, bloody but unbowed

- Please ignore the off-key singing, but check out the pirate ship birthday cake. I also love Sean's face when I criticize his candle-blowing - it ain't easy adjusting to a week of tough love with your uncle.
i see that jacob and zoe wore their finest attire for the occasion.
These posts had us in hysterics. Fantastic.
I almost called you after the 24-second-left-disaster but I was too depressed to find your number. According to Serge, if contractions had started during OT, we would have to call this one Sidney (if it's a boy).
Love the pirate ship! Will have to plagiarize you for next year. You can do the train cake.
By the way, Jules is also very into pointing out whatever matches with his footwear (actually, anything that matches with anything, he's pretty excited about the concept 'Same!!'), so I wouldn't be too worried about Molly's future on the hockey rink.
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