Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lengthy Absence - No Excuse

All goes well - here are some catch-up tidbits and news:

- The only thing better than living 2 blocks from a library is living 2 blocks from a library that they're going to knock down to build a new one. The imminent demolition project is consuming a great deal of attention in this family.

- All the talk of wrecking balls and worksites has caused a little confusion. We've started talking to the kids about our upcoming move (tentatively scheduled for early fall - on the waterfront, same town), and Jacob said, "when we move to Don and Sara's house will the workers knock down our house"

- I left Molly alone at the dinner table last night while I was dealing with the other two. At bedtime, she told Kate that she had had maple syrup for dinner. Sure enough, the syrup pitcher was empty. I figure she drank about a cup. And she proceeded to have a completely normal night's sleep, while her brother managed to turn a late night "sore toe" into some hockey playoff time with Kate on the couch. I was away, losing the family fortune in a poker game.
- Recent conversation:
Me: Jacob, don't be obtuse
Jacob: I'm not a goose, I'm a turkey

- Had been very excited about the Habs game one victory, but no confidence remains now that they're down 3-1. A little sheepish that my playoff pool team includes 7 Capitals and no Habs.

- We just finished Season 3 of Mad Men. Loved it. Great show that keeps getting better.

- Zoë is getting closer to walking and she's "talking" up a storm. I'll try to get some fresh photos posted soon


Lisa L. said...

a cup of maple syrup??!?!?!?! is that wrong?? i'm actually feeling a tiny bit jealous!!! i'm pretty sure you can only get away with this if you are an almost three year old!!

on another note, will has a new word..."eddybuddy"!!! it's cracking me up and thanks to jacob and molly, it leaves me thinking quite often about the grinch!!! :)

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