Monday, March 28, 2011

Looooong Run

I did a 16 mile (25.6km) run while the kids were in school this morning. My longest run ever, but still 10 miles short of a marathon. I suspect the rest of the day will be a bit of a write-off. Good luck governing yourselves, kids.

We had a fun visit to Toronto on Friday to see cousin Erin compete in a diving competition. She was awesome, as always. It was crazy cold though so no park playing led to a bit of cabin fever by Zoë on the drive home. To paraphrase their Aunt Alison, why do 2 year olds so often act like 2 year olds? She's driving us insane at bedtime, refusing to go to sleep until she's had a good scream. Then she can be her perfectly happy self an hour or two later. She even tried to tell Kate "I love you to the end of the world" the other day. Which sounded something like "I wubya tend of worrrrl", and was therefore even more lovely.

I took Molly and Jacob to public skating last night - they continue to get better and they keep asking to go. This must be the only upsided to the extended winter season.

I do keep reminding myself that our first two winters here I scoffed (wrongly) that the lake would never melt in time for the Perch Festival. This year's starts on April 16th, so I know winter will be done by then. No signs of spring yet though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming. It was great to have extra cheering! It looks like we'll have to come watch the speedskating competitions/hockey touraments in the future!