- Dragon Day breakfast of pancakes, fruit and ice cream!?
- Presents!! Warm pj's and housecoat as Winter Is Coming. Plus a sign for her door.
- Kate's masterpiece: a dragon for Dragon Day
- A Great Wall of China, castle-cake, being decorated by the cousins
- The full dragon, on parade. The Chinese dragon is believed to live underground, with the mountains being his scales and the wind his breath. So, for a Chinese-Canadian dragon, each piece shows a different part of the Canadian landscape, with mountains, prairies, forests and ocean. Yes, Kate is going for the "best Chinese mother" award.

- And here's a rousing rendition of "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain", which we sing every Dragon Day, inspired by Anne Tyler's hilarious adoption novel - Digging to America.
fantastic. I played it in my study during my 'work hours' and of course had the whole family cord in to see what was going on!
She's got it! - Best Chinese Mother Award.
THAT is a dragon!
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