Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sickness, Hockey, and Hugo

We missed Chinese this morning as Jacob was up most of the night with a funny tummy, Kate has to work today, and I was too tired to contemplate driving to and from Toronto. Ah well, our mastery of the language will have to be delayed by a week. So we're having a quiet Saturday at home instead.

We took the girls to the family skating while Jacob was playing hockey last night. Zoë skated for the first time without a push-aid. And Molly is getting stronger on her feet, both on the ice and walking. She should be fully mobile just in time for her surgery and re-casting.

We also had a babysitter last night and saw Hugo in 3D. All the award nominees are yet to be released, but if there's a better movie this year it'll have to be great. We enjoyed reading the book with the kids last year, and were impressed with its format as much as anything (part graphic novel, part novel, relying on beautiful art to set the mood). The movie is magical though, and it's the first time I've seen 3D actually add to the viewing experience, not just as a gimmick. Big recommendation.

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