Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Blog 2.0 - I'm Baaaaack

I didn't mean to stop blogging. But I did. And then I wanted to do catch-up posts. But that became more and more daunting as time went on. So, it's been six months with no posts. Facebook is great for little photo-posts, but lots of my friends aren't on FB, plus it seems really self-indulgent (even in a social media era) to post lengthy, regular stories about one's amazing kids on FB. So, I'm baaack.

And I'm hitting the ground running with an awesome video of Jacob's first dip in the still-very-cold lake. Reminder that it was still frozen over a month ago. And it blizzard-snowed a few days ago.

Here are a few photos from earlier this month, when the weather was briefly quite summery.

- Punky Brewster with her cap on backwards

- Rock climbing at the park

- She's 4 and has an out-sized personality, but sometimes she still looks really little

- In case anyone wants to know how Molly's ankles are, a year and a bit post surgery, this picture should be sufficient answer

 - The gang soaking up some rays on the deck


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness! I was SOOOOOOO missing the Hazel clan. Can't believe what a difference 6 months makes. Great to see you back in action!

just us said...

Welcome baaaack! - and thanks for sending the email b/c I had stopped checking ;). I knew the owl hoot would have to involve the TO cousins somehow. And how quickly one forgets stuff b/c Molly always soars in my mind.