We're starting to get into the flow of home life. Zoë might be the best baby of all time. She's happy and smiley and engaging and wonderful.
She also has a very simple troubleshooting guide:
- if crying, feed
- if crying half-way through a bottle, burp and then feed rest of bottle
- if still crying, then feed some more. End of guide.
The twins are really taking to her. They laugh at her antics, give her kisses and are very gentle with her. We took Zoë for a checkup and the twins were in the exam room with us. As soon as Zoë got place on the exam bed, Jacob began to howl and flail on the floor. He didn't want Zoë to suffer (he had his flu shot last week). I thought it was a pretty sweet way of being a protective big brother. No health concerns for Zoë. She has put on half a pound since she was weighed in Beijing a week ago.
Molly and Jacob are definitely not yet back to their old selves though. They're fragile, on edge and much more fractious than usual. I think we left the grandparents with much more of a handful than we had anticipated when we asked them to look after the twins while we were in China. But, hopefully as we settle into a routine and they begin to trust that we're not taking off again, then they'll get back to normal.
Here are some photos of Zoë in her new surroundings. Lots of new places to sit.
- Sitting in the leaves. Molly gives Zoë this look a lot - seems like a lot of joy in having a new sister. And it's definitely mutual. In addition to taking care of the twins while we were away, continuing to entertain them since we returned, picking up a nasty cold, preparing fantastic meals, etc., Kate's mom has also raked and bagged all these leaves

- Sitting in Nicholas's old chair. She really likes playing with the bears on her feet.

- Sitting in a bumbo

- Sitting in her high chair

- Sitting on the floor with her baba and a ball

- And sitting in the exer-saucer