The lights are lit by Father Christmas, not by a Coca-Cola-esque Santa Claus. So, I tried to explain to the twins why he wasn't dressed in red or saying ho-ho-ho and why he was carrying a staff.
Jacob was excited by the whole event. He loved the candles, the hot chocolate, the parade, the crowd, the lights, Father Christmas, and especially the brass band playing carols. He and I stayed behind because he just couldn't leave. When the crowd had dispersed and the band stopped playing, he burst into tears and wailed that he wanted "more songs". The boy does have his enthusiasms.
Actual conversation between Jacob and I:
Jacob: Christmas not today
Me: That's right.
Jacob: Christmas tomorrow.
Me: Well, it's not for awhile, but this parade is the start of the season.
Jacob: Where the snowman go?
Me: Umm, which snowman.
Jacob: (giving me the "are you really that dumb?" look) Snowman
Me: (Looking around)
Jacob: Snowman right there (pointing at Father Christmas)
Me: Right, there he is. Snowman.
Jacob: I like Snowman (looking up at me, nodding seriously).

Looks and sounds like a lovely time - and sounds like Jules and Jacob have a LOT in common. Will let you know more after "Escalade" in a few weeks (tune in to the blog later for that one...)
i seriously think you could write a book...i love reading your adventures on here. great pics of the christmas tree lighting!
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