Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fun Photos

We don't just do triathlons around here.

- Jacob swinging on the dock

- Chad and Meegan came by with a boat and took the kids out for rides. Molly and Jacob in the tube.

- Me trying not to crush Molly

- Zoë on the run

- Sean and Levon

- Kate and Jacob getting bounced

- Erin and Zoë and Molly

- On the tour ferryboat. The big twins and the little twins.

-  Zoë having a bit of a tantrum. Her parents wouldn't provide her with limitless potato chips - the horror!

- Two strong men digging up the garden

- Kate takes the 5 cousins out for a canoe around the Island

1 comment:

just us said...

Summer if you are a Hazel-Rheault kid seems to vacillate between being VERY grubby from digging in some pit and squeaky clean from being in/on some body of water. How fabulous!