- For the first time since the twins were babies we decided to drive to Thunder Bay. Fifteen hours straight through. And it was... uneventful, fun and easy... seriously! We did cave in and buy a DVD player for the minivan, but didn't even need it much. Kate organized a million activities for the kids and they were great. Amazing what a difference a year makes - it was so much easier than our drive to Maine last summer.
-We spent most of the week out at camp and camped down on the beach every night (Zoë's first camping experience, and first for the twins that they can remember). And everyone slept well. Although the city boy (me) did complain about getting rained on, being frozen, not having a chocolate on my pillow, etc.
- The kids did their first ever canoe trip, in Quetico Park, down to The Pines. It was a few hours of paddling in either direction, with a play on the beach at the destination.
- And Kate and I got in lots of running and biking (which paid off with a half marathon PB for Kate last weekend in Wasaga!)
I managed to forget to bring my camera on the trip, but here are some iPhone shots...
- one of the eagerly anticipated highlights of any T-Bay trip is the tractor pull
- Kate exploring camp with the kids
- Check out the red and yellow shrooms!!

- She is only 2 1/2 so we're not completely drama-free just yet

- Shortly after returning home, Jacob was waxing rhapsodically about how he doesn't like anything "spensive" so he'll never need a job. Then after a few beats, a concerned look came over his face - "are boats spensive?"
- If you're Molly and Jacob, the only thing better being in a boat is jumping out of a boat

- We don't travel light!
- Back in Thunder Bay, we did some hiking
- Jacob trying to look intimidating?
- And the inevitable amethyst mine trip
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