Momentous occasion, not because we've acquired photos of Brad Pitt's body double from the movie Troy. His in-very-much-need-of-a-tan-and-a-workout body double. No, momentous because Molly and Jacob each fed from the bottle for the first time today. Total success with each taking in about 4oz (over 100mL) with nary a complaint. Fitting in time for Kate to breast-pump is of course the next conundrum. Our plan for the coming weeks is to do one feed per day from the bottle, keeping the kids prepared for relying on the bottle when Kate is at work.
We paid a visit to Box Store Hell today down in Barrie. Purpose of the trip was to go to BabysRUs to try on a variety of baby carriers. Half our friends have sworn by the Bjorn and the other half by the Ergo. There seems to be no lukewarm, middle ground on this issue. We put off our decision and managed to walk away with only a few minor purchases of items not available at our friendly, local baby shop. Kate also went into the maternity store, possibly to gloat to herself that she's now an extra-small in maternity sizes. Given that she's no longer pregnant, some might consider this a somewhat hollow victory. Kate's husband is not to be counted amongst these ungenerous "some". And, most importantly, we came home with Indian food and lots of it. The Tara Indian restaurant on Dunlap seems to be the very best thing about Barrie, so far as we've seen.
By the way, for fans of The 40-Year-Old Virgin ...
- You know how I know you're gay?
- How?
- Cause you have homoerotic photos of Brad Pitt on your blog.