Molly & Jacob's first Canada Day brought the arrival of the Hazel grandparents. The kids also slept in the same crib together for the first time last night, ostensibly to keep each other warm, but more to create good photo ops.
I'm beginning to understand why new parents are so dull (not our friends of course, but other new parents). Most of our conversations involve either: the colour of poop; the quantity of milk consumed; the degree of bias involved in our judgment of Molly & Jacob as the cutest and smartest kids ever; and how many minutes until the next feeding. Not a whole lot of Sartre or Dostoyevski.
As the mom of 22 month old twin girls- I can tell you how lucky you are to experience life with twins. You are one lucky man. Enjoy every minute, they grow so fast.
Dear Chris and Kate,
Your account has brought tears to our eyes. I'm allowed to be soppy as their Great Godmother. We are so thrilled for you. Your babies will never lack companionship and they have such wonderful parents. It was fun seeing my friends feeding them. What an incredibly intense time it is. Enjoy being boring about them! Why not, it doesn't bore you.
Love, Alison.
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