The kids' due date was supposed to be today. I feel pretty sorry for anyone who goes the full 40 weeks - I wouldn't have wanted to miss any part of the last 3 1/2 weeks with these two. Easy to say now that they're healthy, growing and problem-free. Not to mention that we're continuing to get our sleep in 3-4 hour stints overnight.
Here's a brief movie of the kids today. It's no Bruckheimer action picture, but it gives a sense of the kids squirminess. Jacob is on the left in the movie and the two photos.
So, the big question... who do they look like?
In the early days, Molly was definitely more the looker of the two, with her round face and occasionally open eyes. Jacob, with his skinniness and long limbs, had more of an E.T. thing going on. As a result, both families were trying to claim that Molly looked like one of them. Jacob's freakishly long toes, however, made it clear that he was a Rheault hobbit. As the kids have filled out a bit in the past few days, Jacob is looking a bit more like my baby photos (although I weighed as much as the twins combined when I was born), and Molly a bit like her mom (and a bit like Yoda, without the ears). But that's still a stretch. In actual fact, they look more like each other than like anyone else. We get asked all the time if they're identical. Which leads to this rough conversation, which has occurred with 3 different people so far:
Stranger: Oh, twins??
Me: Yes
Stranger: Ohhhhh, boys or girls?
Me: One of each
Stranger: Ohhhhhhhh, are they identical?
Me: (fight smart-ass response, fight smart-ass response) No, they're fraternal
1 comment:
How sweet of our grandchildren to perform the Anniversary Waltz for us! - 39 years and counting!
Can't wait to dance with them
Grammy & Grampa
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