Jacob is becoming the bruiser in the family (if that moniker can apply to a gangly, all-limbs kind of a guy). We went into Kate's office today to use the scale and he now tips them at an even 6 pounds. Not bad considering that 2 weeks ago he was below his birth weight of 4lb 15oz. Because of Molly's casts we can't do a weight comparison for her so we'll be weighing her weekly in Toronto during the window of opportunity when her casts are off.
I had a soggy walk this morning in search of a Globe & Mail. It seems the fine citizens of this town shared my desire to read gleefully about Conrad's impending incarceration, as I had to go to three different stores to find a paper. However, I'm sure the glee on this day belongs mostly to that other Canadian swindler, Jean Chretien.
Here's a photo of Kate, proving her boundless energy. Who reads a novel on no sleep?
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