Friday, May 20, 2011

Big Winged Visitor

 Look who came to visit our dock just now

More Festivities

We had a great party last night. Yes, the celebrations of my 40th continue. It was the most beautiful evening of the year thus far, so we all stayed outside. Which is a good thing as there were about 20 adults and 25 kids. Nobody drowned, not even when Jacob, Silas, Molly, the Avery kids, and almost Zoë all tried to climb the tree hanging out over the water.

- I'll post a bunch of photos tonight if I get a chance, but since the kids are asleep right now (and will be waking up any minute) I thought I'd post these ones from last weekend in Toronto

Monday, May 16, 2011

Forty is the New Eighty

It may have been 40 that I turned last week, but I'm hobbling around like an 80 year old today.

The marathon was actually fantastic. We went out faster than planned, buoyed by the crowd of runners, the excitement of the event, and the freshness of our well-rested legs. We held the pace well through about 30 km and at that point a sub 3:50 seemed possible. But the legs tired and I just couldn't get them to turn over quickly over the final 12km. So we lost a little time off that optimistic pace, but still finished in 3:52, well under our goal time of 4 hours. I won't be bounding up and down stairs for a few days, and I think my left shin is requesting a couple of weeks off, but otherwise I'm feeling excited about the whole experience. Not quite as excited as Kate, who spent last night trying to decide which fall marathon "we" should aim for next. And tonight studying how much more training we need to do in order to drop our time significantly. So much for my one-off, turning-40 resolution. I, of all people, should have known better than to feed the beast that is my wife's obsession-craving personality.

Kudos to my parents for taking the three monsters/monkeys in their hotel room the night before the marathon, and then keeping them busy and happy at the finish line despite the abysmal weather (cold, rainy and windy). I couldn't have had a better birthday weekend (although the next time I turn 40 I think I'll run the marathon before the big day so I'll be free to consume a few beers to celebrate). Our weekend in Toronto included a visit to the Botanical Gardens with Joanna and Benjamin, watching Sean follow in his mother's footsteps with an amazing series of performances at his swim meet, a party at the Wedge's, lunch with my whole family plus Greg and Benjamin, a pre-race night with my sweetheart spent romantically discussing fuelling and pacing strategies, and a great marathon.

We're hosting a birthday party here on Thursday evening - some extraordinary number of adults and kids are expected, so we're really hoping the weather warms up by then. Since our return home last night, the waves have not stopped crashing, soaking 4 or 5 feet of our lawn with every wave. Not exactly outdoor bbq weather. The twins won't put up with much more celebrating of my birthday anyway. They're ready to start with theirs, which doesn't actually occur for another six weeks.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Jacob and I had a great time at the TFC soccer game on Saturday night. He had a blast and was in great humour throughout, despite staying up until 9:30pm (usual bedtime still 7pm). That kid is pure fun.

Six more days until the marathon. I only have one more scheduled training run. Feeling good.

- Summer is just about here. Eating lunch on the deck!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Good News For the City Garbage Dump

The twins have been diaper-free at night for a week now, with no accidents. We waited this long (they've both been diaper-free during the day since their 3rd birthday) partly because Molly's boots and bars make it a little tricky for her to make a dash for it in the middle of the night. But she seems unfazed.

And Zoë has peed in the potty at least once a day for the past few weeks, including at least once at school. And she just did an unsolicited #2 before naptime. As opposed to the solicited #2's.

In case it sounds like clear sailing, we hanging out yesterday afternoon when Molly said, "why does Zoë have a poo in her hand?". Good question.