Monday, March 28, 2011

Looooong Run

I did a 16 mile (25.6km) run while the kids were in school this morning. My longest run ever, but still 10 miles short of a marathon. I suspect the rest of the day will be a bit of a write-off. Good luck governing yourselves, kids.

We had a fun visit to Toronto on Friday to see cousin Erin compete in a diving competition. She was awesome, as always. It was crazy cold though so no park playing led to a bit of cabin fever by Zoë on the drive home. To paraphrase their Aunt Alison, why do 2 year olds so often act like 2 year olds? She's driving us insane at bedtime, refusing to go to sleep until she's had a good scream. Then she can be her perfectly happy self an hour or two later. She even tried to tell Kate "I love you to the end of the world" the other day. Which sounded something like "I wubya tend of worrrrl", and was therefore even more lovely.

I took Molly and Jacob to public skating last night - they continue to get better and they keep asking to go. This must be the only upsided to the extended winter season.

I do keep reminding myself that our first two winters here I scoffed (wrongly) that the lake would never melt in time for the Perch Festival. This year's starts on April 16th, so I know winter will be done by then. No signs of spring yet though.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Computer's Up and Running

So, here are a few videos of the kids learning to skate.
And a photo of the 5 cousins painting together during Sean & Erin's recent visit.
We're off to Toronto tomorrow for the day to see Erin in a diving competition.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Before Sunrise

Beautiful orangey-red sunrise this morning reflected on the frozen lake. Two problems: I was awake with the kids to see the sunrise and the lake is still frozen. We've been talking to the kids about signs of spring, but there really aren't many.

Zoë, after a month of perfect going to bed-ness has reverted to her previous conviction that it's much better to scream and yell before falling asleep. This too shall pass. Right?

On the bright side, Jacob ends nearly every day, or meal, or trip, or event by saying (and meaning) "that was really fun". Not a lot of existential angst in that boy. He also has a best buddy (besides Molly) whom he is inseparable from at school. Their teacher said to me yesterday, "it's great how close Jacob and Silas are - now he doesn't follow Molly's lead, or suggestions, all the time". That isn't always the dynamic at home, so it's interesting to hear others' perspectives.

I spent much of the weekend playing in an oldtimers hockey tournament. Apparently that puts me in perpetual marital debt because in the last two nights we've watched one Jennifer Aniston movie and gone out to a Matthew McConaghey movie and Kate says we're not even close to square. Always negotiate the terms in advance.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Cheesey, Very Cheesey

Molly: Good night Zoë, I love you to the end of the world
Jacob: Good night Zoë, I love you to the end of the world
Kate: (laughing) Where did you hear that?
Jacob: Nowhere, we didn't hear it
Molly: It came from my heart
Jacob: It came from in here (pointing at his chest, or possibly his tummy)

Gag, gag, gag.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March Break on the still-frozen lake

March break is upon us but winter has yet to lift its veil. We had another dump of the white stuff last night and we spent all morning outside playing in the snow with a troop of their little friends. This afternoon we played some street hockey, then got the bikes out and rode them down the street. Biking in snowsuits. We're off to Toronto for the day tomorrow, where I'm sure it'll be a little balmier.

With pre-schoolers, March break seems to be code for nursery school closed and all activities canceled. Not quite sure how I'll be getting in my runs this week.

Our computer is fritzing out so I can't upload any photos right now. I'll try the laptop later if I get a chance.

Some bon mots from the past week:

1. Molly and I feeding each other's egos
Molly: Baba, are you amazing at how good I'm skating?
Me: Yes, Molly, I am amazing.

2.  Jacob proving that he's already smarter than the entire state of Kansas
Jacob: You know, when dinosaurs were real and before people were borned?
Me: Yes Jacob
Jacob: Well, who looked after the dinosaurs, if there were no people?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Winter Continues

We're taking advantage of the continuing winter to make a late effort to learn to skate. One outside session last weekend and two arena free skates this week and the twins are making great strides and loving it.

We had a fantastic weekend, with a visit from the ever-amazing big cousin twins (and their lovely mother).
Here are a few photos from Beth. The 5 kids under the bridge to our little island. And eating ice cream at Montana's. No I don't know why the 2nd one is upsidedown.

- And a movie update. We saw Get Low last night and think Robert Duvall should have had a best actor nomination. Love that guy.