Monday, October 5, 2009

We're Going to China!!!

No sooner do I submit a morose post about still waiting, and we get an e-mail from our adoption agency advising that China sent our permission to travel just before they went on holiday. So, it looks like we'll be leaving here around the 20th (yes, that's just TWO weeks from tomorrow), meet Zoë on the 25th and stay in China until around November 5th.

So, of course now we're panicking about all the things we have to get ready between now and then!


Anonymous said...

Yippeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Congratulations!!!!

just us said...

Fantastic! Let's throw a huge November party!!! Meet your sweet babe and all of my household's birthdays (bar one) to boot. OK, maybe not. Mike would feel left out.

But can't wait to get the celebratory month underway with this fantastic news.

T-Lee said...

That's fantastic news! Very excited to meet her!