Thursday, June 19, 2008

First X-Ray

Jacob slipped backwards down a couple of stairs last night and was very upset, as you can imagine. We couldn't figure out what was hurting though. He fell asleep as normal, but had a fitful night. This morning, when he pulled himself up to standing, he kept his right foot in the air (like a puppy with a thorn in his paw) and when I tried walking him he screamed when he put weight on his right foot. So we went to see doctor Wendy and then went to get x-rays (he never uttered so much as a whimper throughout). It turns out that he has a buckle fracture of his tibia. No cast required and no long term effects, but he won't want to put any weight on it for the next week or two. So, he won't be walking on his 1st birthday but no other ill effects (except in the pits of his parents' stomaches).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh poor little Jacob! It's good to hear it will heal so quickly. What little troopers you guys have. They're made of tough stuff.