Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Walking in Maine

Zoë was walking a bit before, but tonight the light bulb really turned on and she started walking everywhere! Look out world, here come's a walking Zoë.

We're having a fantastic time in Maine with my parents, Beth and her family, plus my mom's best childhood friend and all of her kids and grandkids. The cottage we're in (with Beth's family) is just off the beach on the right side of the above photo  - beautiful sand which goes on for miles. The weather has been spectacular so everyone's in the water and digging sandcastles all day. Plus Kate and I are getting in some runs/bikes/swims and I played a round of golf today too. The drive down was pretty brutal as Zoë decided she didn't like road trips around the beginning of the 2nd day. But memories of crying babies are designed to recede more quickly than memories of laughing, walking, playing in the surf babies. The twins are having a great time with their big twin cousins - who continue to be the best kids we've ever met. Of course, my mom has been taking all the photos so I'll have to post those later.

1 comment:

just us said...

I dare anyone to watch that video and not smile with joy.

Hope it's all splashing and no sunburning all week.