Wednesday, October 6, 2010

1st Haircuts!

We took all 3 kids to Barrie on Sunday for their first haircuts. Jacob and Zoë had each had a couple of at-home snip-snips, but this was the 1st official trip to the hairdresser/barber. We went the cheesy route of Melonheads, the ubiquitous kids' chain, complete with ride-on barber chairs, lollipops, certificates and nostalgically saved locks of hair.

- Here's the before photo. You can probably tell that despite being almost 3 1/2 years old, Molly really didn't need a haircut yet.

- Here's Zoë getting started. Not a murmur of dissent.

- Molly about to get started - all aboard Thomas the train

- Loving every minute of it

- Jacob looking to see if the game's on the tv

- Zoë - the finished product. Like I'm ever going to find time to put little bows in her hair

- Molly all done too - complete with sparkly stuff in her hair. Again, that's not going to happen at home

- Molly riding the motorboat

- Jacob's finished product too


Anonymous said...

They all look lovely! But again, the differences with Europe are striking. No Melonheads here. I take J to my salon and my hairdresser does his hair while all the other customers look on and giggle. I think it's kind of not done to take your kid to a salon. But if it were left to me, yikes. Andif there were a Thomas the train at the salon he'd be begging me to go every week.

Tiff said...

We took Ellie for her first cut at Melonheads. She LOVED it, resulting in a few more subsequent trips although I felt hosed everytime by the prices!

Now, whenever we see Aunt Mercy, we get her to do it.