Sunday, March 13, 2011

March Break on the still-frozen lake

March break is upon us but winter has yet to lift its veil. We had another dump of the white stuff last night and we spent all morning outside playing in the snow with a troop of their little friends. This afternoon we played some street hockey, then got the bikes out and rode them down the street. Biking in snowsuits. We're off to Toronto for the day tomorrow, where I'm sure it'll be a little balmier.

With pre-schoolers, March break seems to be code for nursery school closed and all activities canceled. Not quite sure how I'll be getting in my runs this week.

Our computer is fritzing out so I can't upload any photos right now. I'll try the laptop later if I get a chance.

Some bon mots from the past week:

1. Molly and I feeding each other's egos
Molly: Baba, are you amazing at how good I'm skating?
Me: Yes, Molly, I am amazing.

2.  Jacob proving that he's already smarter than the entire state of Kansas
Jacob: You know, when dinosaurs were real and before people were borned?
Me: Yes Jacob
Jacob: Well, who looked after the dinosaurs, if there were no people?

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