Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Molly's Feet Again

We returned to Sick Kids again yesterday and the verdict is that the casts weren't doing enough to stretch Molly's achilles tendons. So she's scheduled for surgery on January 25th.

Bad News:
- Surgery isn't ever fun
- She'll need casts for 4-5 weeks after surgery, and they might have to be the long ones
- She'll need to wear AFO braces until she's about 6 or so. They would look something like this. They would fit inside her shoes, wouldn't prevent any activity and can be easily removed for something like swimming.

Good News:
- Her prognosis is excellent. He expects to get her ankles to 10 degrees past 90 degrees and doesn't expect that future surgeries will be necessary
- No casts from now until late January. Great for swimming in St. Lucia. Great for winter sports until then.
- Better to deal with all this stuff while she's 4 years old instead of later.
- As always, she's completely calm about all this stuff.

1 comment:

just us said...

Great news: She has you 2 as parents who are actively doing this with her.

Can't wait to see her up and skating in February.

Can we book a weekend to come up?