Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Being Bave

Yesterday the kids came home from school explaining how Molly had gone up on stage at the school assembly because she's "bave", which is brave in twinspeak. I couldn't get much more out of them, but last night a few of the other dads from school said they'd heard Molly had been singled out in front of the school. And today we got the certificate home and an explanation from the teacher that Molly had received an award for Courage, related to how well she handled being in casts. I think two kids per class are singled out at each assembly for demonstrating some admirable quality. I hope she can continue to be bave for the upcoming surgery!

- Here we are at Zoë's nursery school Christmas party this morning. Kate holding the present Zoë made for us. And Zoë wearing a princess cape. Yes, the boys were given batman capes. Ah well.

And for a bit of artistic content. The lake tried to freeze on the weekend, but melted again on Monday (note: it was solid by December 7th last year). The remaining ice chunks all swept close to our shoreline and the wind blew them together all afternoon. It sounded like a massive xylophone or a symphony of triangles. So turn your sound up loud and see if you can hear it. I thought it was beautiful, but Kate is so angry that there is no snow or ice that she seemed quite unimpressed. So, you be the judge.

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