Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Big-Hearted Little Man

Each month Jacob and Molly's school focuses on a particular character trait and February's was "caring". I went to the school assembly this morning to see Jacob be recognized for his caring - there was one kid from every class. His teacher phoned me last night and said that his nomination wasn't due to how nice he has been with Molly during all her foot stuff, it was because he is always caring and empathetic about the other kids in the class. She told a story by way of example that a girl in the class was crying last week and Jacob went up and gave her a kiss on the shoulder and asked if she was okay. What a player!

Here are a few photos of our little man. In the group photo, he's on the far right.


just us said...

I teared up. Like father, like son.

Anonymous said...

Caiwing and bave- Congrats to great twins!
Aunt Beth