Thursday, December 4, 2008

Political Farce

I'm enjoying the ongoing political farce. It's never bad for democracy for the populace to see that its self-serving politicians are wearing no clothes. And there's no leader without egg on his/her face right now:
- Harper's mean/pettiness streak is finally coming home to roost. Will he ever learn that a minority government means you have to compromise?
- Dion is laughable. His Youtube quality response to Harper last night was unsurprisingly amateurish. Can you have a PM who is this despised/ridiculed by his own party?
- Layton/Duceppe plotting behind the scenes for months to bring down the government no matter what course it takes? Also not very cool.
- Elizabeth May trying to turn the coalition takeover into a Senate seat. Pretty quick to abandon the Greens. Again, not very surprising.

I think the Liberals' best case scenario is for the GG to agree to prorogue parliament until January. And if Harper's January budget includes a lot of fiscal stimulus then they should support it, thus looking reasonable and not solely driven by a lust for power. Then, once they have a non-lame-duck leader in place in May, then they can look for a reason to re-engage the coalition. Right now they're overplaying a very weak hand.

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