Sorry it has been awhile since my last post. We leave for Thunder Bay tomorrow - ten days in the frozen tundra, and it couldn't possibly be any colder or snowier than here. Not sure what the odds are of our flight actually happening.
The kids are happy and back to full health. We're still going to the same coffee shop every morning for caffeine (Kate and I) and muffins (2nd breakfasts for the kids). And now, the twins spend about half an hour every morning charging around the place, getting underfoot, charming the old ladies, and generally burning off energy. One woman almost started crying this morning when Jacob tried to help Molly back to her feet. When they lose each other in the store, Jacob starts shouting, "Maya, Maya", which is what he calls Molly, and when they find each other they grin and squeal. We are quite the spectacle.
It's a good thing we live a block from the library, because we're probably reading over 100 books a day (or sometimes one book 100 times a day). For the first nine months I thought this reading to your kids thing was just propaganda, but now they insist on book after book - "More, more, more". Strangely, the current runaway favourite is about a girl who wakes up with a gator on her head. After each reading, the kids walk around saying (or trying to say) "how cool is that?!", one of the lines from the book.
I went in the second of the series of winter runs held here in town. Kate had to deliver twins, so I missed out on my chance to exact any revenge. I got my butt whupped by a guy pushing a stroller, a guy with one leg (although he does have the cool running prosthetic like Oscar Pistorius), and several kids under the age of 14. Then as I'm wheezing away from the finish line, a quite attractive woman comes right up to me and says, "ummm, you have snot on your face". Yup, I haven't lost my way with the ladies.
I will try to post from Thunder Bay. Happy holidays everyone!
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