Friday, July 23, 2010

Longer Than Not Day

I stole/borrowed this concept from an adoption blog I read last month. So, Zoë has now been part of our family for longer than she wasn't. We had a low-key celebration with Kate's parents (photos below).

It has been quite a whirlwind nine months (almost) with Zoë. Her belly-laughs light up the lives of everyone she meets. She makes Jacob and Molly proud every day with a new "look what Zoë can do now baba!". She clings to her mama after any period of separation but after 30 seconds or so she's ready to embrace the rest of the world again. She melts my heart every time her lower lip trembles with indignation. She loves swimming in the lake, getting muddy, books, hugs, holding a finger to walk, dogs and ducks, clapping and dancing, everyone she meets, and has an unrivalled passion for ice cream. I would love it if she slept an extra hour in the morning (what, you think 6:45am would be an unreasonable request!?!?!), but that's the most minorest of complaints when weighed against the mounds of great stuff. And Zoë is the great stuff.
Longer Than Not dinner with mama

Everyone having a jolly time

The serious business of dessert

And at lunch today, this is Zoë going, going ...

... and gone


just us said...

I always marked the day that my kids had been out of me as long as they had been in me. So lovely to see you doing the same sort of thing for Zoe.

Wish we could see more of you lot this summer. Especially since you have the serious business of dessert - and wine!

Lisa L. said...

The photos of Zoe falling asleep are priceless!! The look in her eyes of absolute content as she drifts off is so sweet! I love reading your blog and often get a bit weepy...this time it was "And Zoe is the great stuff!". Isn't that the truth!!! :)