Sunday, July 4, 2010

Still On-Call

Kate's 4 straight days/nights of call haven't been the all-time worst, although Monday she'll be in surgery and Tuesday I have to go to T.O. with Zoë for her US visa so there's no real end in sight just yet. Molly and Jacob are cycling through a fever/exhaustion thing this weekend too. We've mostly been playing in the turtle pool in the shady yard with occasional ventures to the splash pad across the street and to the lake and beach. Scorching hot.

Enough of the pity party. Here's proof that we're actually all having a blast. The three kids loving their new fire engine tent (birthday present from Beth/Don/Sean/Erin). Yes, Molly has made the full conversion to no diapers and Jacob is 50-50.

These two videos comprise Zoë's entry in the Closest to Walking Without Actually Walking contest.
Here she is climbing in and out of a bucket of water, unassisted.

And here she is walking, holding onto nothing except the drawstrings on my sweatshirt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Molly! Big congratulations!!!

Way to go Zoë! You can do it!

Jacob, you and jules can inspire each other (or conspire together against The End of Nappies)...

Guess you guys won't mind if we leave j nappy free when we visit. Your floors are hardwood and you're moving anyway, right?