Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Early Summer Wrap-U

Family celebration of the twins' 5th birthday. Zoë spent the whole time asking when her birthday is, and describing what kind of cake she would like, party details, present requests, etc.

Sometimes, all you really need for a good birthday is a chocolate cupcake.

The big family gift for the summer/birthdays was a water trampoline. Here are Molly and Jacob demonstrating how to have fun on a trampoline. Followed by Kate demonstrating a graceful dismount.

 Birthday party was themed knights & princesses. Began with decorating shields, followed by knights' training, slaying of the balloon dragon, decorating the castle cake, swimming the moat, etc, etc. Fun was had by all. No tears at a 5 year-old party?

Zoë hanging out on the dock.

Greg and Benjamin visited for the Canada Day weekend. On a related note, sea monster was spotted menacing the children with his noodles.

Fireworks from our dock, with the Whites and Averys joining the festivities.

Nice picture of Jacob in his Messi shirt

We embarked on an ambitious garden project, a sunflower house. The flowers are planted in a rectangle and are supposed to grow large enough to form a kids' secret playhouse. We cleared out a patch of garden, dug a trench, mixed the soil, spread the woodchips, planted the seeds and small plants. Were very proud. And then some rodent has come along and eaten every flower in the garden. Rabbits and groundhogs are the chief suspects. At least one of the sunflowers got beheaded while I slept in the tent with the kids right next to the garden. Our efforts at guarding the treasure ended, as they always do, with the sentry falling asleep. Oops.

1 comment:

just us said...

Is it too late to plant again and then cage them some how?