Saturday, July 21, 2012

Why I Need to Blog More

These three gems all from this morning - but if I waited until later, they would vanish from my sieve-like memory.

1. Riding our bikes through preparations for the Scottish Festival. Passing by dozens of people in kilts and marching band uniforms. Jacob remarks "Why are there so many Indians here today?". Yeah, we have a little work to do on the cultural awareness front.

2. In the coffee shop:
Jacob: Is it hard to marry?
Me: I don't know. What do you mean?
Jacob: Well, you meet so many girls who you want to marry. How can you choose which one?
Me: (Nodding wistfully)
Me: When you meet the right one, you'll know Jacob. It's magic.

3. Riding home. Molly falls off her bike.
Me: What happened
Molly: Jacob told me to take my hands off the handle bars and I fell off
Me: If Jacob told you to jump off a cliff, would you do that too?
Molly: Jacob would never tell me to jump off a cliff.

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