Kids under 2 weeks of age don't seem to do much of interest to the general population. This video doesn't show the kids juggling, playing musical instruments, hot-dog eating, or kicking a soccer ball. But it does capture my favourite part of the day (and it happens 8 times a day on the current schedule). Watching Molly wake up, stretch, yawn, stretch some more, and begin to root.
Hopefully the video will play if you click here.
By the way, I suspect that a video of Molly's uncle Ben trying to wake up would be very similar, except with more sighing and groaning.
Given a choice of watching David Beckham kick a football or Molly waking up I'd choose Molly every time! Love Rhoda
Movie Review of "Molly Waking Up"
PG-13 Some nudity
Rating: 3 Cheers
A star is born! Youthful leading lady, Molly Hazel, has risen above a typically bland Canadian script, retro fixed camera and the theatre-style single set. This method actor stays in character throughout the film, drawing her audience in to its suspenseful ending. Will she actually wake? Will she accidentally roll over? Will she find the desired motherlode?
We anxiously await the sequel "Molly Waking Up II" cannot be far behind.
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