Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Three Months Old

The kids are 3 months old today. So, I'll try to summarize who I think they are, although I don't think I'm much more certain than I was at 2 months.

Jacob (aka Slim, aka The Jacobian One) is long and lean. All his fat is concentrated in his jowls, although he has some pleasing folds in his thighs. Weigh-in tomorrow in T.O. but he's around 11 1/2 pounds, growing like a weed. He could eat all day, although he puts on a performance, with choking and needing to be burped. He's the drama queen of the two. What he likes most in the world is being "sack of potato'd" by his momma (or distant second choice, me), snuffling into her neck, going completely limp. He has great frown lines on his forehead and he always looks like the worries of the world are squarely on his shoulders. He's very chatty even though his vocabulary is thus far limited to "Agooo". Some people think he's looking more like me, but I can't see it yet. The only resemblance I've seen is to my dad, and it's always disconcerting. I'm burping him and he looks up at me with a critical, disappointed look that I haven't seen since..., well we don't need to go into why or when my dad gave me the disappointed look, but it's been awhile.

Molly (aka The Mollinator, aka Molly Molly Ding Dong) is a more compact build, approaching 10 1/2 pounds. Half the time she looks like a delicate flower (her grandma says like a pansy) and the other half she looks like Brian Urlacher. She looks spectacular in blue and a little off in pink, and I'm sure that's not just my politics speaking. She's sweet and feisty and hilarious (can you have a wry sense of humour at this age?). She beams at you when she's well-fed, and most of the rest of the time too. And then if she is displeased on occasion, then she displays her rage. She doesn't give off sad or mournful cries like her brother; she screams in anger or not at all. She has proven that she, too, can say "Agoo", but why would she say it over and over like Jacob. She prefers these funny little happy shrieks, which if they were more predictable, I would post on video. She is also unfazeable (if that's not a word, then it should be), whether by the feet business at Sick Kids, or anything else. I gave her a bottle of formula this weekend as Kate was delayed at the hospital, and she took it without a blink. She's definitely a trooper.

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