Friday, January 9, 2009

A Few More of Our Favourite Things

1. Treadmills. Jacob has a fascination with our running machine. Whenever he can find one of Kate or my running shoes, he picks it up, brings it over to you and says "run, run". If you ignore him, he carries the shoe to the treadmill, puts it down and shouts, "run, run" with increasing urgency.
2. Shovels. Jacob would spend all day, every day outside shoveling the walk and the driveway if he had a choice. He has a dollar store shovel which is his most cherished possession. If we don't let him go outside to shovel, he insists on bringing it inside, and carrying it around the house. He usually asks for "Maya" to be given the other shovel. She accepts the gift, smiles at him, then puts it down and returns to whatever she was doing.
3. Throwing food. A recent development. Not appreciated. But both of them do have wicked arms so it's hard not to be a little impressed.
4. Counting. Well, only kind of counting. But they love it when we say, "one, two, three, go" and then they sprint across the room. The next time, Molly will say, "two, two, two, go" and she's off.
5. Walking. We keep bringing the sled on outings to the shops or the library (a couple of blocks away), but both kids insist on walking instead, even through the snowdrifts. Definitely to be encouraged.
6. Stopping skiing. We took the kids cross-country skiing in backpacks yesterday afternoon and it turned out to be a bit too chilly for a passive activity (definitely not passive for me, skiing along with a 25 lb kid on my back), so there were howls of protest on the return leg.
7. Birthdays. Singing happy birthday, blowing out candles, eating cake. These are all top-of-the-list good times if you're a twin.
8. Singing. As soon as a song is over, a chorus of "again, again, again" is raised. By the way, for you music appreciation buffs, January is Bach month in our household. So we listen to a selection of Bach every night during the bedtime routine. December was Pavarotti month. Yes, I'm probably learning more than the twins, but perhaps that was my wife's plan - to teach the neanderthal a thing or two.
9. Not going to the doctor's office. We went to see Doctor Wendy yesterday for their 18-month check-up and shots. Lots of tears. Lots of outrage. Quick recoveries. Both kids continue to be average height, just below-average weight and above-average brain size (or "head circumference" as it is more tactfully named).

Here are a couple of videos of our everyday adventures at home.
- Playing with the helium balloon from Myles' birthday party

- Running round and around

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I clearly heard Jacob say, "Go Gators!"
