Thursday, January 22, 2009

Weekend visitor roundup

All is temporarily quiet around here after a long weekend of guests (my parents for 4 days and Dan/Alison for a couple). Here are a bunch of photos, courtesy of my mom):
- Molly & Jacob helping with the dishes

- Someone's not overjoyed with being stuffed into her winter gear

- Jacob helping with the shoveling. He won't leave home without his trusty shovel

- chowing down

- They both spent much of the weekend on grandpa's lap, demanding "more, more" books

- Molly enjoying a good book

- Trying on their big cousins' clothes

- A sense of the joyful chaos of our full house

- Running out of room to shovel the snow - and it's still only January

- Jacob helping out under the watchful eye of Grandpa

- Molly's favourite hiding spot

- Not sure how much longer I'll be able to do this

- The artists in their studio

- These years will surely be remembered as Jacob's Green Period

- Grammy's idea of fun - the shaving cream game

- Jacob squealing with delight

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