Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Getting Ready For School

Zoë is starting at nursery school on her 2nd birthday, which is the day after we return from Cuba. So she and I went out yesterday to buy a backpack and lunchbag. The former is as tall as she is, but she couldn't be prouder.

- Perhaps we need to invest in longer t-shirts and shorter backpacks

- Building the tower of doom (or the doomed tower, if little sister has anything to say about it)

I completed the first run of the marathon training schedule last night. 1 down, 53 to go!

The twins' penguin obsession continues. We were talking to my mom about the penguins she had seen in South America so she sent us photos, wondering if we knew the type of penguin. Molly takes one look and without missing a beat says, "that's a zebra penguin". I said, "are you serious or are you joking". "I'm serious baba, that's a zebra penguin. We learned it in school". So I looked it up on my now-indispensable iPhone. There's no such thing as a zebra penguin. She was totally playing me. I confronted her with her BS and she just shrugged and smiled at me. "I was just teasing you baba".

1 comment:

just us said...

You are definitely in big trouble next decade. If not sooner!