Sunday, January 3, 2010

December Photo Catch-Up

- Molly & Jacob proudly displaying their homemade Christmas gifts

- It's never too early to be a punk rocker

- Kate rocking out on her new guitar. Never trust anyone over 35 - but what about on her 35th birthday?

- Around here we take our cake decorating seriously

- "Walking" with big cousin Erin

- Molly recognizing which gift is for her. Santa was smart enough to leave them one present each at their grandparents' house (plus the oft-requested cake and candles), and then the rest of the gifts under the tree at Aunt Beth and Uncle Don's house, where we spent Christmas Day

- The big twins and the little twins on Christmas morning in front of the stockings


Unknown said...

who is wearing the purple hair? looks awesome but totally confounds my twin recognition skills!

Unknown said...

from the look, i'd definitely wager on molly, but i feel a need for confirmation...