Friday, January 8, 2010

Recent Conversation

Jacob: What this?
Me: Your new toothbrush.
Molly: Where you get them?
Me: At the pharmacy.
Jacob: Was he there?
Me: Was who there, Jacob?
Molly: (with her exasperated, baba's an idiot look) Farmer C!
Me: Who?
Jacob: Farmer C - was he there?
Me: (finally getting it, and now giggling, unable to explain why Farmer C was not at the pharmacy) Ummm, brush your teeth please.

And to clear up some recent fan questions:
- Yes that's Molly in the blue wig. Jacob prefers his firefighter hat exclusively, while Molly never met a hat or pair of shoes she didn't want to try on.

- The kids are lasting about 15 minutes at a time on the ice. But they're asking to skate all the time, and we head indoors at the first murmur of dissent in order to keep up the enthusiasm. I was skeptical about trying 2 year olds on skates and about the effort required to have a backyard rink, but the kids are loving it, and all the rink effort is being exerted by Kate.

- And sadly, we're nowhere near toilet trained. We go in spurts (ha ha), where we try for awhile, but with almost no success. The twins both love their big kid underwear, but have no idea when they're about to do the deed, so we end up in permanent puddle clean-up mode. And with Zoë's arrival, I can't say it's near the top of my priority list. I think we'll wait until spring time to try again.


just us said...

Great idea - the toilet training attitude. Actually, all great ideas.

Anonymous said...

i have a friend who says all her kids were toilet trained during summer vacations by the seaside, when they could run around on the beach with no nappies on for two weeks. she says it's a no-fail recipe. i say, how's that for a good excuse for two weeks at the beach??
very funny sense of humour on the kids, by the way.

Lisa Ligers said...

farmer c is priceless! i love this conversation!! thanks for sharing, chris!!