Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chavez is a big Vikings fan

Okay, here's my favourite non-Zoë moment from the trip. This one's going to have me giggling for a while.

Riding up the elevator to our hotel room...

Man: You have a beautiful baby (said with strong Spanish accent)
Me: Thank you. Where are you from?
Man: Venezuela
Kate: Oh wow, I'm from Thunder Bay so I went to Minnesota often during my childhood
Man: (steps out of elevator with very puzzled look on his face) okay, bye
Me: He said he was from Venezuela, not Minnesota
Kate: aaaaaggghhh

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karl lagerfeld, esquire said...

lol! that's like the time i insistently and repeatedly called a japanese guy i met at a party "tucker" even though his name was "taka"

Nicholaus said...

If I had ovaries, I'd let Kate take them out ; )


Captain Obvious

just us said...

If you can't outrun her, Chris at least poke fun in her for all the world (Canada, China, Venezula) to see!

Lisa Ligers said...

I LOVE this!!!! I think it rivals my trailer story!!! :)

Julia Ingles said...

I agree, Lisa, it's a funny story... but it no where near rivals the trailor story!!!